What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? Legal terminology can be more than a little bewildering at times and the area of Wills, Probate and LPAs often causes confusion. A question that is often raised is whether an LPA is needed if you already have a Will in place and...
All you need to know about a contract rate…
All you need to know about a contract rate What is a contract rate? The contract rate is a penalty rate of interest payable by the buyer or seller should they delay the completion transaction to complete on the agreed date. What does this actually mean? When looking...
Our Guide to Remortgages
Our Guide to Remortgages... A remortgage of a property is the process of moving your mortgage on your existing property from one lender to another – either to replace your current mortgage or to borrow extra funds against your property. Your new mortgage will then...