Our last blog looked at how to alleviate some of the stresses associated with buying a property so it seemed only right to now focus on the flip side and offer some tips for Sellers! Here our top tips to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible: –
Preparation: – It’s a huge decision to decide to move. Picking your estate agent is incredibly important and preparing your house for viewings. However; there are also things you could be doing before offer acceptance which will help later. Obtain quotes and instruct your solicitor early. We don’t charge a fee for opening a file and sending out initial paperwork. There are forms that must be completed on every sale and documents needed, such as boiler services, guarantees, planning permissions. If you have the forms complete with documents in advance, then it will be less stressful and quicker on offer acceptance.

Have a Back-up Plan: – Once an offer is accepted consider the worst case scenario and plan for it. Be prepared to move into alternative accommodation if need be and be flexible on completion dates. These things all reduce stress. Everyone has a common goal, there are no opposing sides, you want to sell your property and they want to buy it. At the time a week’s delay may seem huge but think of the bigger picture.

Use professionals: – We are strong believers in employing the right people to do a job. If you can afford a removal company, then use one. You should leave your property clean and tidy on the completion day around 12pm – 1pm. Some Sellers focus solely on what they need to do but the Buyers also need time to collect the keys and move in. The worst completion days are when Sellers haven’t left the property on time. It is hugely stressful for everyone. Removal firms understand the time factor and will ensure it is met. Also make sure you take everything. Buyers don’t want to move in and find the loft full of personal belongings. Simply leave the property how you would like to walk into it around lunchtime and everyone will be happy.