Residential Conveyancing – Price Transparency Information

Sales (Base Fee)

Property Value Hunton & Garget Fee VAT
0- 100,000 £525.00 £105.00
101 – 150,000 £550.00 £110.00
151 – 200,000 £600.00 £120.00
201 – 250,000 £650.00 £130.00
251 – 300,000 £700.00 £140.00
301 – 350,000 £750.00 £150.00
351 – 400,000 £800.00 £160.00
401 -450,000 £850.00 £170.00
451 – 500,000 £900.00 £180.00
501 – 600,000 £950.00 £190.00
601 – 750,000 £1,050.00 £210.00
750 – 900,000 £1,100.00 £220.00
900 -1 million £1,150.00 £230.00

Properties over 1 million please speak directly to our Managing Partner, Lisa Potts

Disbursements that will apply

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as search fees. We handle the payment of the disbursement on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.

Unless stated these fees are not subject to VAT or VAT is included in the price.

Service Details Fees Payable
Land Registry official copies of the title £8.80
Bank Transfer Fee £30.00
Anti-Money Laundering search fee (per person) £16.80
For leasehold properties there may be a Management Company fee – this varies depending on the Management Company and is just an estimate until we receive an accurate figure £100.00 – £500.00

See link below for additional information:


Purchases (Base Fee)
Property Value Hunton & Garget Fee VAT
0- 100,000 £575.00 £115.00
101 – 150,000 £600.00 £120.00
151 – 200,000 £650.00 £130.00
201 – 250,000 £700.00 £140.00
251 – 300,000 £750.00 £150.00
301 – 350,000 £800.00 £160.00
351 – 400,000 £850.00 £170.00
401 -450,000 £900.00 £180.00
451 – 500,000 £950.00 £190.00
501 – 600,000 £1,000.00 £200.00
601 – 750,000 £1050.00 £210.00
750 – 900,000 £1150.00 £230.00
900 -1 million £1250.00 £250.00

Properties over 1 million please speak directly to our Managing Partner, Lisa Potts

Disbursements that will apply

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as search fees. We handle the payment of the disbursement on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.

Please note: The cost of the searches can vary depending on the area in which you are purchasing the property and we will be able to confirm exact costs when a bespoke quote is provided to you.

Unless stated these fees are not subject to VAT or VAT is included in the price.

Property Value Land Registry Fee Electronic Land Registry Fee Paper
Up to £80,000 £20.00 £45.00
£80,001 – £100,000 £40.00 £95.00
£100,001 – £200,000 £100.00 £230.00
£200,001 – £500,000 £150.00 £330.00
£500,001 – £1 million £295.00 £655.00
Over £1 million £500.00 £1,105.00

Please note: A paper submission will be required at the Land Registry if the Property you are purchasing is unregistered land at the time of completion. We will not be able to ascertain this until we receive Contract papers and therefore this figure may change following your initial quotation. A paper submission will also be required for all new build properties.

Other Expected Disbursements

These vary according to the locality that you are purchasing so please contact us for an exact quotation. In the Richmondshire area these are currently:

Disbursement Fee Payable
Local Authority £73.50 *
Water & Drainage £78.58 *
Environmental £48.58 *
Land Registry Priority Search Fee £8.80
Bankruptcy Search Fee £7.80 per person
Bank Transfer Fee £30.00
Source of Funds Search

£12.00 per person

Anti-Money Laundering search fee

£16.80 per person

* Fee payable depends on the area

Leasehold Purchase

When purchasing a Leasehold property there are certain additional disbursements payable which will be set out in the individual lease relating to the Property. The disbursements which we anticipate will apply are set out separately below. This list is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply depending on the terms of the lease. We will update you on the specific fees upon receipt and review of the lease from the seller’s solicitors.

Anticipated Disbursements Fee Payable
Notice of Transfer fee £50.00 – £500.00
Notice of Charge fee £50.00 – £500.00
Deed of Covenant fee £50.00 – £500.00
Certificate of Compliance fee £50.00 – £500.00

See link below for additional information:


Additional Charges
Additional Charges Hunton & Garget Fee VAT
Leasehold properties (sale or purchase) £150.00 £30.00
Shared ownership property (sale or purchase) £150.00 £30.00
New build (purchase) £150.00 £30.00
Government Help to Buy Scheme (purchase) £100.00 £20.00
Help to Buy ISA £50.00 £10.00
Estate Rent Charge (purchase) £150.00 £30.00
Re-mortgage - Residential
Charges Hunton & Garget Fee VAT
Property value up to 250 K £350.00 £70.00
Property value over 250 K £500.00 £100.00

See link below for additional information:

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