Our commercial team have the specialist expertise to be able to guide clients through all aspects of a commercial property transaction. Being a small business ourselves we appreciate the consideration, concerns and difficulties that Landlords and Tenants face on a day-to-day basis and are committed to fiercely supporting all business in any way that we can.
The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted across the entire commercial spectrum and ripples are expected for some time yet – whichever side of the lease agreement you are we are here to ensure that you are always kept up to speed with the latest amendments to commercial property legislation and there are a few clause updates on the way which should be on your radar…

In September 2020 there was an update to the uses clauses order and a category E was created populated by such businesses as retail outlets, offices, financial and professional services and some hospitality establishments. Within this new category there is much more flexibility than in previous times – current development rights allow for changes between use without planning permission (subject to Local Planning Authority agreement) – thus aiding small businesses and decreasing the volume of planning applications.

Looking forward to Summer 2021 there is yet more change afoot which will once again create greater flexibility for commercial property owners. As of 1st August 2021, the Town and Country Planning (Amendments) (England) Order will allow all within Class E to be converted into residential dwellings, without planning permission but subject to prior approval. Although certain conditions are stipulated such as the property must have been in commercial use for at least two years and have a floor area of less than 1500sm this is a huge milestone within the property sector.
If you would like to find out more or discuss any aspect of Commercial Property then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.